Intro to Agnosticism
Q: So what the HELL is an "agnostic" anyway?
A:  From Merriam-Webster Online:
Main Entry: 1ag·nos·tic
Pronunciation: ag-'näs-tik, &g-
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek agnOstos unknown, unknowable, from a- + gnOstos known, from gignOskein to know -- more at KNOW
Date: 1869
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
- ag·nos·ti·cism /-t&-"si-z&m/ noun

Agnostics are people that have outgrown the fairy tales and can face the world without a make-believe deity to hold their hand.  People that believe science and logic, not faith, is the answer to the mysteries of the universe, life, and everything.  People who know that the nature of the multiverse and its creator(s) is infinitely complex and inherently unknowable.

Agnosticism is simple.  It's logical.  It's the only "religion" anyone with any sense could believe, because it's not a religion.  Religion by its own definition requires one to believe something without adequate evidence, and that is simply illogical.  Being areligious is, plainly, the only civilized way to be.  It is science and math, instead of faith and belief.  It's either the attempt to find out what the nature of the multiverse really is, or the willingness to admit we will probably never know.  And it annoys the religious because, deep inside, they have the same doubts and questions that we do.

Q: Is agnosticism about acting on any sick fantasy that feels right, since there are no eternal consequences?
A: No.  Most agnostics are actually sort of like Christians (the good, decent ones) in some ways -- we believe that being a good person is essential, and that murdering or abusing people is a no-no.  However, the reasons behind this are completely different.  Christians say "because that's what God wants" and then proceed to drone on and on about what "He" doesn't want.  Agnostics say "because killing or hurting people is a violation of the personal rights of the victim."  People have the natural right to think dirty thoughts and copulate with whores and masturbate until their genetalia fall off, but as soon as a person starts violating someone else's personal rights (ie: raping, killing, stealing, smoking where one's children are breathing, burning or defacing churches, farting in a crowded elevator, and even telling someone that they are doomed to spend eternity writhing in agony just because they don't follow ones' own personal set of morals), then it becomes bad.  The consequences aren't supernatural (ie, one won't be struck down by God for raping someone), but it does upset the balance of peace in the world, and since we're all living here for a brief period of time, why not keep it pleasant?  (Also, you'll probly go to jail and get raped yourself!)

Q: What is agnosticism not about?
A: Agnosticism is not about going to church.  Agnosticism is not about preaching any gospel to others.  Agnosticism is not about reading some badly-written book of fairy tales and committing totally irrelevant passages to memory in order to spew them at the people they consider to be heathens.  Agnosticism is not about telling people that they aren't loved unless they believe in a random messiah and that they're going to spend eternity in some horribly agonizing afterlife because they don't perpetuate any religion's hierarchy that they themselves have enslaved themselves in.

Q: What's the difference between agnosticism and Atheism?
A: There aren't all that many, but the ones that do exist are crucial.  First, agnosticism is independent of everything.  Atheists have their website, their big meetings, their numerous clubs, their literature, and their belief system.  It's basically turned into another religion, something agnosticism can never be.  Many people even find them more annoying than Jehova's Witnesses.

On the issue of beliefs, they are mainly the same (man before god, separation of church and state, personal freedom), but Atheism is inherently flawed as it assumes knowledge that mankind cannot have.  Just like claiming know know and understand the nature of God, claiming that there is no god represents a complete breakdown of rational thought.